Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dogs like me, nothings going to change my world, lost and found

1) Dogs like me because I'm a good and decent person, and they sense that.

2) Nothing is going to change my world.

3) There are wonderful things at the lost and found, some of which were thought to be irretrievably lost.

True (It has nothing to do with the bacon in my pocket); Lie (everything is changing, some things slowly, some things not); True (and when the owner get it back, they are happier than they thought they could be)


Neil said...

#2 gave it away. need a harder one for next time. ;-)

Just Mary said...

You couldn't know this. My son wants to get a tattoo. Yes. He wants to puncture holes into his skin and pour ink into them. He has drawn a design. Around the perimeter of the design, he wants the words, "Nothing's gonna change my world."

I have two choices. I can be part of it or refuse to participate. I want to participate. Is that a lie?