Monday, October 09, 2006

Everything starts somewhere.

a) Two Truths and One Lie is as good a name for this blog as I could think of.
b) Two Truths and One Lie is an anagram of my nickname.
c) Two Truths and One Lie is the name of a game I played on

True, Lie, True.


jasmine said...

you have to post if you want to have a blog

onewithgrace said...

I am traveling to France to visit my daughter who is there for a short time teaching. We thought we would head for the south of France for a week. What would you suggest for a 22 year old and her mother who is 50? LOL We like different, fun and exciting. Living in the moment is good. She enjoys wine and I can only handle one drink and I am done. LOL

Shahzada Sher Saddozai said...


Shannon said...

I choose A and C (that is those are the truths, the lie is B).

Meebee you could set this up like a game show....see what your readers get right.